RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Fables in an unnamed stream, by Casten Rd

The frontdoor, guffaw of the place of my making, had a pyranthea bush, orange berries & stickers, framing the ecological extent family-suspiring toward the belch of objective reality. Nature. My being born into the day is everyday a meeting w/house facade vibratory properties, slight heat convection veiling of this foliage. One having never been pruned growing next to the driveway here just 2 mls from my original example, experience with its flourishing, appropriately had mom just barely over a yr back, tell me its name and its avian esteem. Robins in their precise waggle, entangled amongst the thorns, eat the fruit otherwise ignored when its usual fare is around. A sigh of birdsong helps me elicit the image out of The Same Sea, Amos Oz's book, the Hebrew noted for a particular birdwwhistle, lends the cant of the long night this plant will live, "narimee, narimee." In the prose a mother's hope elapses--theme developing--just in the edge of night, dithering midnight trance, the bird of paradise? her imminent reception, but flangy and exiled in pitch night remote limb of sacerdotal perch... Give you some news? ...the gospel of solitarian grace, preachment in a winter's clarion slumber? ******* *******You might be interested--I'm going back, this time as a Mutazila! But I have a gradin leap of a 1000yrs: The breathy stall butcher shop blooming with desert-scape cum houseflies-cape had hellion fever written like the graffitti in the expression of a tamborine player, rather insane, obscured in voluble filth villager there in my approach. Before I'm past a cleric, saying as to advance observing religiously aware-type looking-importantly-remote, man pulls the tamborine player out actually closer to the prayer bldg just opposite, plainly "masjid," portraying silence in weird desert, but redolent airs. To me folks really have numinous realizations I plainly won't glimpse even by luck. The insane is only the teacher for one who might have jumped from composure as to register the langor, or restriction. Toward an aggravated mind in clattering morning rapture, dust kicked up like puffs of pollen time-keepers, my dharma was one week before numinous in the bereft reach from a beggar in Jerusalem. Shadow of mercury muses in my thigh, blood palimpsest, a new hat--new spirit, when I had passed him--he is the only one that I saw inside me fluidly pattering astride 'pon ben Yehuda blvd. The Egyptian apparitionally reined the guarded me, watching what I see. ******** ******Traveling toward this visage factory, paroxysm of observable release to live up to the soft-machine w/formative self-reflection. --then why concrete jungle as a rather energetic, and to borrow a loaded word, "cosmopolitan" prised naturalism, now contrives a society shrieking of polticos? The politics of mouldering values, human perspective using drama to adjure agency toward a "normative" passporte. Think of the candor to assume convivencia in a magnificate umbrella concept, if one's creator, man's voluntas-gratifier is lost in coarse fray in another tradition, redefining core-culture. ******* *******I looked up "imposture"--his cold-lamp eyes borrowed all the light in the funky hr of the red-bulb medina. Specifically, the hanging maroon sphere lamp vines convexed, my room cinnamon dharma unfurled. In the morning writing an intimate dream, as prescribed by foggier encumberment/embankment--life as theoria, a dream of my matriculation--I'm a mile walked, verbs of footfall. First question raised--do the pugmarks pre-impressed in this path 'flect white fire, heat of conflicting reach, array in an intuitive symbolic rigor? Not in media, I am, in open practice conjured emblems, as to say my imposture ape lightning upsetter's self-eloquence but in creative media the knowledge of sand impressions, its blemishes contested, noted in manna tarrying, just tree gum clotting up an ant's proud land. ******** ********* Really--You could think on this--I'd say very revealing: I get it done by having studied what I thought was hard to make relevant. Sorry to re-do. I get to a point in academic certainty, andersen's extraordinary apprehension of my monadship in university lament really has raskolnikov's warrant all over it. Gray that way--license by way of a peak moment--then upon mt, its fetters makes certain the creative recorded as distantly strung...the scholarship staggers, wanes by sanction astrally in better array. If there's a hell below... Listen, there is an acute episteme whether religion ought to sting or not, averred as to see its psychological folly. The idea intra-communally whether one's mission takes effect has etiquette like the sand siphon readily aplomb within the Confessor's vessel. "Are they reached, have submitted?" Gate of gates, by its enlistment corralls the defectors. Bab-abwab is a version of the term/idea "Babylon," say short of "Maker" elucidated, means "gate of gates" in Arabic. The Ismailis (shia and sunni characteristics--more shia in caliphate succession) had three daily prayer (seshun-zazen!) sessions--called al salat, just as jews in their 3 daily prayers, pointing to the, honestly, more radical elements of jews having taken on the shadhi, 5 pillars--having joined this sect. Note all other Muslims pray 5 times. Any agreement speaks nothing of the shared rabid crowd elements toward either community's demise, tho' in different place and times. There was a mission, a word to imagine a jewish equivalent, and which today's arab oil weapon is on par despite western interests, corporate conspiracies. Then a caliphate forming among abbasids, has the ismailis competing and with some freedom under but separate from the more usual ulema's (community of Believers) ethos. Then another power, they register social engineering which comes by way of their da'i, a network of missionaries. "Dawa" is the "mission" implies covenant, and without formal instructor's query, I think it has same implications as jewish "adath." Think Temple Adath Israel on Ashland--A place whose title suggests identity-profession (as benign as they come, so not spectral to adduce the stranger thing implicit in Belief systems explanate here). However, maybe "adath" is plastic inter-culturally, would be, looking out similarly in judeo-mundi intentions. In Torah, the word's use would tell just how nuanced--a question for a rabbi. Adath means convenant, and I think one may find context for it just as Dar al Islam is Islamdom gratified in herd mentality. Religion admits to her due esteem thru propaganda--the agenda withwhich a plan has you in mind. X-tian social reins has all this political quality every bit as flamboyant. I'm not trying to be indelicate--obviously religion at its usual points of concentration may have congregations whose self-scrutiny severely excuses sundering any one alternative however contrarian. ******8 *********sOrry--I rewite shit--a little clearer perhaps** Criticizing Conservatives, I will, baby. What precisely dates those like ... is their fool prudery like neo-nellyism, sharp smiles. Imagine what rode-hard and mined thought world, structuring minds 'pon mercy & judgment, when in our green youth hearts of soul's "beat," poesis! we were not disciplined enough to know how compelling iconoclastic gratuity is by non-sensical only florid other biases. Recommendations of an evident goal--what is our physical success? There are considerations even toward untimely proffer in what is plastic culturally. There is nothing but humanity garbed in the realistic--couldn't everybody agree that what it is most people do usually should be avoided? Just look at the brain-drain, and how core-culture is blanched out of existence from more identity riddled? mosaic of survival. It is impossible an evolved surviving-humanity would loose "mythos" necessarily lens of utility & lapse in ambition--religion is by accident revealing an agreed upon compassionate edifice. ************ **********The exquisite impulse of movement--the arc of objective reality contaminating thought's and action's respite, I witnessed as to say martyred its mind constabulatory. The extra reach into solace--time & place--intentions would have been followed... I wait then I move, like a mt lion. But my mind is a prison, like the animal's provision to survive and I only keep freedom known in my eyes. His temporal burden elicits thresholds no different than the conscious state evolving in a world of mystery if bordering night dreams binds the intimate qualities in an anthro-procession usually all but denied. I alighted "what-if" that there is no other place other than behind my eyelids where my attention is warranted. Still, regret follows such decision, and then annihilation of the concept anywhere ever the gravity of waking state. ************ *****What survives in the illusory content, our compulsion under history's surveillance, which makes fragments and specters sewn of one's thread into continuity? Having gotten used to the mummer, ultimately dust of 1/2 the bldg always hidden, the stupid cntr was my repair, sometimes at the front facing Lime. Thought limits work in approbation--residual, nominal, sound veil, like lightning of no content reaching enormity of one lapsed guffaw to receive spectral soul traffic. The particular thwack of someone-mindful calvacades, throttling motives in stoic steps to discern the knowledge of her/his flesh, dionysian ambrosia and caustic beginnings. Reading there, here reading in reversion. You know you are on the ground, if you have legs, sorta adage-feeling Nesta relates, and these academicians by any rt splay and made objective ground zero convoked w/bombastic living trek. A catharsis in burnt-books, giving anywhere to move by its provision thru letter permutations--an intimate fire while everything else is extinguished perfectly unmoved--humanmarketplace. ******** *******Don't forget it, if it is the only thing you got, but, the school of life has two exilic doors. A sense of eternal light, truth likely in objective reality, or truth proposition longest enduring philosophy on higher ground--as you wish. Daoist's shu found manifest in a statement of presence, if life is as exacting a surprise as even relating the point is untimely. Closely, no creator, no meaning, heart open, light mind, step--step w/reliable incumbency East is become the viscera in anything that can be known in primacies of mundi-vox. Valley of tongues, language in its furthest reach, home and the awakening of 4 directions. 1.Emanation, 2.Creation (speaks of purpose), 3.Formation, 4.Action. Mysticism submits to a present Benevolence, however sacralized. Psychologically for me, kabbalah enlists Eastern Thought sophistication. In kabbalah the 4 realms, same order, are: 1.Atziluth, 2.Beriah (breath probably in close etymology), 3.Yechidah, 4.Assiya. ***** ******"Tomorrow is the invention of thought as time, and if there is no tomorrow psychologically, what happens in life today?" *J.K. Rinse, lather, repeat. ---I think, what is more implicit than to worship beauty is truth. Certainly existence is verity, if sullen, ornamenting a rarified mind. One questions, has sensitivity in definition of primacies, Source, while conducing some choice narrative with your expected reception. If a "truth" observably trials the future, then your exile is inalterable. ****** *********Give you some news? ...the gospel of solitarian grace, preachment in a winter's clarion slumber? Yet, December in as history serves, Iffrikiyya, "North Africa" so evinced by Islamdom reproving humanity's litigants in a court where sky austere judge uses a surrogate history, one of victory, iconoclast sieve of give & play internationale. In Talmud, travel is meritable. Shadow of mercury muses in my thigh--poisoned in a rather obscene agency, blood palimpsest, a new hat--new spirit, when I had passed the beggar--he is the only one that I saw percussively inside me fluidly--I'm pattering astride, our leave conduced 'pon syndrome-fecundity Jerusalem hill, ben Yehuda blvd. The Egyptian, in another leg of train travel, gnarled in otherwise comely apparitionally-reined Arab muddle, is fever magnifying, his bellows intensifying insanity girded me in existential tremors, his feeling laughed out of the clouds, like goat's milk a very ancient impulse guards me. Egypt arising, arising, never to the heights like juicy technocratic West--but that of uncivilization, a place useless to reconcile a cold-lamp--the mind of antiquity has no artificial light, here a desert architecture, hearth to sun fire, this world watching what I see. ******* **********

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