RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eli Eli Lamach Sabachtani!!

OK, to run with the Ignorance is Bliss thang: A Rasta biblacy adage I heard lyricked is, A Man shall not know his Covenant. Taking back the obvious entrenched traditional standard, and just looking at what it is we shan't be mindful of,... I have a thought that this is only a saying in the attempt to measure the far flung reality that we must respond nee' (in their view) must respect some kind of mystery or musterion (sacrament) that a life well lived without the sentient greed of reward and after-life expectation, we'd just do our karmic best... That it is construed that the bible thumpers live for a heavenly reward, is not the responsible assertion of those professing a kind of razor's edge, yet in theism. It certainly isn't acceptable in Jewish thought to do anything meritable for a gain of some blessing in expectation of a World-To- COme. So, if we peer thru the mess of concretized belief & ritual, it still makes sense, to act rather than Think upon your world apart. Gandhi says something to that affect.
***Let me get to an essential point in the discipline, so important to anyone wanting self-actualization thru release. Take this man who was enlightened, a mensch, even superstitious yet open to personal transformation at the expense of merely accepting hard & fast tradition... while accepting that too, Gandhi!! He in fact believed the Jews were too bound up in legalism at the expense of a sense of spirituality or rather at the expense of lingering on ancient iconic beliefs with little relevance today... Of course, Gandhi could have been wrong in a general sense, under that sway, but as to living with the Other, what obviously would he do endlessly to bridge the radical departure of one community from having compassion for another? He'd work everyday to find just one other way to accept them. Pretty humble, huh? The lesson is plain, a thing many haven't learned--and not glittered as in reception and long awaited communion with what one can reach for from a certain POWER Spot. Our sacred room is one, Al-Aqsa is another, under the right eve of facing the Wailing Wall is where the Shekhina is suppose to emanate--certainly very powerful to find oneself reflecting skyward here. It is the places in-between, the temporal kingdom, that Judaism emphasizes. That means, dealing with the now+One World, many people upon its face, yet soulfully inter-dependent had we looked. WE are only talking about identity=usually, so next we need to make a hard decision about the "Other." Judaism doesn't have to wait because their neighbor's instinct is as grave as our own to finesse Higher GRound from mutual resources. From same Source, from the same G-d under the guise of different names... Especially at this strange dispensation. In the end,as Elie Wiesel subscribes, our suffering is only between You & G-d alone...anybody's else doesn't lessen your responsibility to grasp your duty to learn from it. And anyone suffering in our proximity is that duty to self.
******Acid? next...the knowledge born of mental strain!! The last dose I took now 20 yrs ago, had night-dreams in daylight, & blue filmy thought bubbles palpably painting of its own volition my sideways glances. How possible do you think it is, if your won one avenue of visualization, so nonchalant, starts to be found in places outside your normative weight of corporeal hulking thoughts... & rather in the intermediary space, which used to prevail with your freedom of consciousness? In other words they are found in other astral entities? Now thought gets stolen in the valley of decision, this is why pointing our emotional responses to things previously controlling us is the only transcendence we may know. Saying we Know, isn't enough--saying I feel I know that I know...is the heart in humanity redemption. We pivot at pitches from frenetic days, and somehow we allow desire to shout down intensity... intensity is a stream like a voice scrawled lightning babel from conversation that is our ancient dialogue, "Our Yoke is Light--yoga like some Shakya yogan's early sense of seeking release..." That some yoga practitioners were of the mind that there is no after-life, show the wisdom (generally "knowledge") of what we may observe conditionally, that life is just for a little while--why strive (dukka) over a mystery? THe Zen thing about gods (so, in the Buddhist sense=states of mind equals the gods' relevance) I thought of as a youth was, can a Higher Power put a thing-bigger into the context of something proportionately smaller? Well, a black hole answers that, and if we are "light" bodies, then consciousness is contained from emanations of a greater conscious entity... But, I digress. In terms of being a challenge to your easily prone habits, when do you become imbued with overstanding a force with the least resistance, from yourself? (have you the knowledge of that pattern of behavior?) Value statements are run of the mill, the grist of the mill is rather making the path of least resistance the most fulminate awakening any one moment can offer. Dulling your senses with --"whatever"--is an easy thing to assess. If I asked, can you give me peace of mind? the guru might challenge, What controls you? My answer would be, Nothing!! The guru says, then what do you seek? Not, rather, you've been liberated in all your knowing--Because of course awareness (or knowledge of self) is a process...
**Guru or some archetype teacher I gleaned from a new dawn fading...**
Mural on the wall to my left--an ancient Semite 'pon his magic carpet, and his view thru its flipped draping convened by a window painted in it. I'd listen to the poet Dylan Lay Lady Lay, or I Want You, and my present circumstance was consonant then. Mark (my oldest brother) had a GI Joe net laid down from the top of the dresser mirror, obfuscating my image with rather star-fish & coral. I'd implore Dylan to move me more..."you're almost there, man," I'd think. I'd start a dialogue, "you know a lot folks feel reached by you, & because I know so little of myself--having been lopped off a world of conscious satellites, way away from a field at play in my own mind, if you gave me Word now, it would never be diluted with the masses...because I just can't know them!!" To open up to relationship is usually to find disappointment that nothing was on offer to receive, so the tent-poles of consciousness collapsing in upon me, at least made the vacuum intruded upon as if... Something banging those interior facade-like mind shores, and I was just going throw whatever seemingly like an "everywhen" in limitless long distances between me & he who'd know. On the blue Greatest Hits album, his head wizened and in profile, the expression expected as all faces are translators & masks--is the Buddhist perspective--had a glimmer of self-emulation yet nothing but white light as the prism though which I'd look. "Muttering small talk at the wall, while I am in the hall"--is to the affect Dylan comes with in Visions of Johanna. This stuttered position one peer right out of the midst of the other, speaking otherness apropos for a mind possessed of this woman, perhaps in whose house we are remaining in corridors... Heated-conditions of forced thought scenarios, is the refrain of what loneliness heralded for me, above Two Keys pub , as I waited for my then girl-friend to walk out her apt. door, me in prone state above in an empty loft...nervous, forsaken, the certain end ready to be my bitter pill toward a new convalescence. I could hear her fish tank gurgle as the wee hrs waned, salt on my lips, and empty pockets--no sweet livations, as if I could reprove my peerless wandering. I enter her place when she goes to her common bathroom, undress and get in her bed as Geraldo's am. talk show sheds boisterous uneven daily continuum feelings that I had so badly wanted to jettison... The first step to take unto raw spent extremely fragmented existence was this baby step away from her comforts I'd never appeal to again. These visions of her have conquered my mind.

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