RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

DESCARTES & nothing better to think On

The human context is about this big: I'm pressing my thumb against my pointing finger. We know our dialogue with one another, here in the West, is derivative of an impetus begun 2000 yrs ago and then some--& therein lies reality for most who don't look outside the corral of belief in ritual=their security, into the human totality i.e. they don't look East. Maimonides, however, speaks the Orientalist vocabulary (I know that term is dated--anyways!) when he said G-d is Reality & there is nothing that we can know that isn't Real. Hindus by the same measure say Brahma manifests Everything that is, & there is Nothing outside the Known. The old man--former owner of the local Chinese restaurant, stirs the energy in the room, kind of like a tourbillon, the Wind of Dreams. Each moment proffering an advent of encumbered step or fall toward whatever relationship you tend to make whole, is none other than a Cycle (a sense of what Descartes illustrates). The air is something we all know quite a lot about. We circumambulate from someone showing us distance-as-their-device for the current norm. I mention to the old man "sunyata" & distance becomes relationship: Jews & Muslims have their High G-d, El or Allah respectively... similarly, the Conscious-Void=Sunyata is somewhat conventional 'til ethereally it is developed into the Higher Ground of Compassion contained in his pervading glance, while putting substance into what no longer seems empty. Distance is Relationship--and presence is defined by motive. In The Jew & the Lotus s(h)unyata is shown its comparative qualities with the Jewish "Received" or rather Mystic tradition=kabbalah, use of the word for G-d going from the Cosmic here & Now to the Objective Ineffable & back again. The term is Ein-Sof=All or Nothing. This word packs the biggest punch than any other reference to the Ultimate reality, in the Jewish tradition. Had I said Ein-Sof to an adept Jew rather than sunyata to Buddhist adherent the effect is exactly the same, we are all borne of an Eternity, and mostly we are ineffective answering the Consciousness illumined from our participation OF it.

1 comment:

Kyle Foley said...

this sort of reminds me of wallace stevens since he likes to do philosophical speculation. i used a new technique for summarizing the text which is hilighting certain key words.

dialogue, west, reality, the corral of belief in ritual, the human totality, they (westerners) don't look east, maimonides speaks the orientalist vocabulary, G-d is reality, hindus say brahma manifests everything that is & there is nothing outside the known. the old man stirs the energy in the room, the wind of dreams, relationship, cycle, Descartes, sunyata, jews & muslims have their high G-d, the conscious-Void=sunyata is somewhat conventional, the higher ground of compassion, putting substance into what no longer seems empty, distance is relationship, the jew & the lotus s(h)unyata, the Jewish "Received" or rather Mystic tradition=kabbalah, the word for G-d going from the Cosmic here & Now to the Objective Ineffable & back again, ein-sof=all or nothing. the ultimate reality, Had I said Ein-Sof to an adept Jew rather than sunyata to Buddhist adherent the effect is exactly the same, we are all borne of an Eternity, we are ineffective answering the Consciousness illumined.

if you ever get something published i'll write a review for it. but the review will be something like the review i wrote for the fountain. which is posted on my blog - as of yet the review is not yet done, i still have to write some more paragraphs.

if you want you can write me through my email address kylefoley202 at yahoo dot com