RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

THE gray-ce of MOTIVE

Looking off to a corner of the room, not really in digression of what is on TV, or enthusiasm thereof, but some message reeled in thru the nature of complacency & my visual from escaping it--I feel this visual though only in inaugurating the immediate, still-solutions an on-going effort. All this effort is a cognizance of a kind of stammer--a shutter like the mortal coil announces its residing atmosphere which cannot easily be transitioned. But obviously an observation gets me thru a door.
Just today walking back from the bank I had a California moment. In CA perturbed masses in movement can be objectified because I am only there--just there, I'm not participating. Here, I smell the diesel, hear the car tires--their adjustment upon the pavement and suddenly I'm earthbound rather than KY-homeward. I've gotten beneath the firmament of time & place to a graver atmosphere, the nerve core of civilization in ad absurdum transition. I think we would agree that ideas & ideals are on a collision-course w/ experimentation & normalcy to its pinnacle there - maybe elsewhere.


blu lamar said...

The complacent Californian. Last eve a guy dropped by to visit a neighbor of mine. He is a relative of another neighbor. He has spent some days up in Santa Barbara, surfing and skate boarding. He is not young but he lives that way - no car. He asked me if I wanted to "burn" one, and I said no thanks. He rolled one and smoked it on the balcony, I was the complacent one, I didnt care, I had been watching TV but what the hell I'll talk with a ...well really a stranger since I only met him one time before. He tried to talk politics but is not well informed. I was thinking he was complacently drifting in the wind... but he is acting, he is about to move to Costa Rica. Maybe I am the complacent one, no dope for me just TV.

Watchingstar#9 said...

I used to want to live in California. But I've learned more and more about the complacent nature of things. And I'm more into rage right now, pure, unfettered rage. (As Scott knows.) I also don't like guys who surf and call me "Broseph." Goddamn hippies. TV is dope for the soul.