RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


If you're asking for social cues - If incompetence is denied in the renown of conspiracy crapulence - If you can't stand to be told to change your mind - If you are still a hero in your concensus trance of egoity - What light exquisite dust is forest of life in the ground beneath you feet? When was self-reflection formless conjecture? When did your pen become a weapon to dispatch your contrarian geist, of vaporous agon, met only by her trace symmetry? You'll see true myth, breathless pleroma where it has been written. Birth marked, check; lazy-eye, check; nicotene jack, check Chagal's Smoking Jew. I'm alighted to her trance trace bloom without escape, there really is no where. How can this be? Cloudy day in the lucent pale shelter of refraction. The bread tastes like old eggs, sometimes rare to forget the sense acuity. Today, my water tastes like rain imparticulated, or the smell & sate of a nigh sidewalk puddle. Imagine just a slight tincture of the anthrax-lived earthworms surfacing on the tendrilly neighborhood sidewalks. One should take the sense that everyone's differences are kaleidoscopic--meaning a good thing... criticism notwithstanding. I says to my brother just getting citizenship, had stayed here a no. of months: Check me if I am in doubt (banner emphasis): I am likely rt he's atheist, said as much. I had similar strict mormon conspiracies (per the coming ideation) reifying when those magical-thinkers dug the airwaves, tho' more incindiary. ha! This is good. So imagine papal american in fact, latino, latinos like bucket-head M. Rubio looks-deep, left and riGHt, rarely into crowd prone spell, but corralling as-if all-comers from the scary pale margins. Then Santana repeats some Urantia benevolent what happened to the aspirant is worship via whatever, unless the word Lord is pronounced Lawdy. And now the unevent of a more nativist cold-cool dude. teac toc aumsat -- tat I'm seeing Cheech Marin in the effervescent smile in any number middle-aged female populists on these intervening insurance & pharmaceutical commercials watching msnbc. It must be circadian sight. I'm inclined to believe and rather not believe the glint of human plastique emotions in the terminal eye as part of a natural dialect--despite the veil of perception in its trace making suspect my lightning lip. A blissful maw on the face of cold media, her molten voice solicitous of decisor product, inane behemoth americana wrought continuity. TV irreality still can't compete with the 1000 in my head: TV lava piles as gems in blandishing lighted field, or one flashlight focuses into the plenitude threaded refraction without all of mind-assembly arising in radiance at once.**************To task in senses esteem for the redolent ink off the pgs of National Geo--desert, India, things Jewish, things Muslim, things Russian, the alteros and bajeros discovered in this anthropology book laid amongst some I collected. Talked to a couple wonky nickle & dime bound dudes, got taken for paying twice one dude's price for the rare ones I wanted. An article about Iranians spraying tar-oil effulgence across swathes of their desert, which promised to inhere the moisture beneath ensuring a flowery placation over once dispirited landscapes. I would see contrarian desert bloom in Death Valley among the salt licks upon my visit, its merit is this rare climatic visage. Arabic for happiness is sa'adyah--not sad, my stumble recommend, bumbling issuant to cultivate as much--stumble as in a consistant meditation 'pon what there is to relish wailing in the orchard of existential burden and being glad. Studies erupt in memory of the the Arabic for happiness. Sorta proud-land well-travelled me city-slicker ciphering nature in media whiling away. Time on my hands.************--Flurries romance the road, in the dark, my am. eye's review skirting layers, feathers falling-- --Musterion bad brain weathering gyps channels this season-- --A crowd of black birds peck and dither in the backyard-- --the most cryptic of mind-- --shore is past languish into-- --the counsel of lazy mind-- --the yard looks like a dank seed bank-- --a high aloft crow is chased from prising what he wants from Ky's ogreish assailed yard-- --The rusted sleeping tractor lends the refrain of nature's venue-- --Its blue/green grassy slumber inaugurates plaintive sacerdotal impermanence, avian born netherly chimera-- --the shulamite enlists my repair in the garden thru a dream outside a guffaw pellucid window-- --Reddish limby, embowering, thru trees vascular gaze, overstanding by winter's heavy fingers, one's mind is quieted in scaffolds of nature-- *****************My bro closest to me slightly over a yr with his rage and proper dragon nose to incite an angry yid partisan, an enemy of the Black 100 while martialing in the eye of the Dao poingant in its ward, the yard we made in his furies abreast sysiphus dreamer of. Incendiary mind of anthro-agni-content contrarian to formative receipt on the nature of his cannibalist say Joshua renown--just makes the animal in geist passporte to humanities ettiquette in social science. As explicit as Anasazi moderating the tacit raw suzereign in human instinct, aboriginal receivers of the committed americana backyard. Timeless backyard unique in making the cold-lamp winter moon inveigh pillow-armies of leisure at the profane, by evincing the curious vitae libations of cellular memory, blood. In a cup and carried around this blood, all day and in the vessel that is chosisme journey involving what I proffered fending off tref, rather anything I'd have to see again, made blood seem vain in its potent krill-brew. A styrofoam dixie cup. His perhaps stolen bike, something else "before" the crysalis of religion's similar journey. On my early 70s then restored Schwinn 10speed in a loop out past the airport pendulum swing apposite my Beaumont neighborhood, I get to Little Texas and a tremendous report from gun blast raps past my gaunt frame--I thought I get to die... now.....? Washed up from the intensity to escape, by the end of yasss Dedman Ln --not just poetic device--I look at my arms imagining full physical success. A tobacco barn is in front of me toiled by live-long elements, black and splintered, hushed right upon the road's margins. Looking at my back tire, it had blown and apparently with explosive force... Trees finesse into this mediate palette, eating air - burning in my chest, nodding into the pitch of my throttled heart, and now the gray refrain in every glance in all the days hence molds to recesses in ever courted tableau, interior trance. Objective reality all restored in almost unrecorded earthly bloom.************What otherwise is death & dying, I'm not seduced at weaknesses funeral: I'm positive. --the most cryptic of mind-- --shore is past languish into-- --the counsel of lazy mind-- Misty morning: egressed en het enyeh/ thanks & praises by the castle of my eternity. The pharonic phrase now defined is by a tear of extreme patience...the begin in the begin. I come dragging in here early this morning, my head still thought conversing before the commission of white-noise silence rent from drizzling rain. I go into one of our work-station rooms, sit in the cat's chair and stair at the ground. Now drifts of sounds arrival start registering but I can't find it externally. Like a myriad message born out of thought's ameliorating vox, I still don't reckon a daemon reception. I glance at my shoes and then the sense of recesses emptying of fraying concern lends the present moment. Just ole brown getting done with tromping gray morning, "charged" corporeally, my neighbor's feet of a 90 yr old man it seems. My father's gait is become mine, but apposite rabbi's (now passed...) clomping footfall, his presence alights in the shul's halls frustrated in diabetic diminution deterring his ambulation--soul vendor, sephirah father. Like liturgy generated from inverse approach--an over-turned bucket, whose contents sate scholarship goals would be a long-distance run ineffably relicked giant leaps. Other environ's trek is time abbreviated (shrouded traveller fascinans), space lost in it like me a stranger coveted in uniform black film unrisen sun's earthly nearly unrecorded bloom.***********The propriety to filch something around campus just provoked me to gainsay this event (I stole an iron doorstop--mid 90s--put it back weeks later). I'm always respiring in Pence Hall to study, aum uncontrollably in sounds arrival clash absorbing and fracturing continuity in rather an analytical meditation (coarse lilting presence). Chromo mean, letting go in daylight specter, in all rallying sensorial hypothesis but ebullient yawn of yellow summer mashes a spectrum into suturing roads comely exteriorizing. Grays dry in a visual anomaly, white and black ash the dreams sundering night, wakeful in the neo-mundane lens of days plying monist--there were others gods, but I knew of only one Mercy. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death. A place in the climate of academician power, my own vehicle. On my early 70s then restored Schwinn 10speed in a loop out past the airport pendulum swing apposite my Beaumont neighborhood, I get to Little Texas and a tremendum report from gun blast raps past my gaunt frame--I thought I get to die now. Washed up from the intensity to escape, by the end of yasss Dedman Ln I look at my arms imagining full physical success. A tobacco barn is in front of me toiled by live-long elements, black and splintered, hushed right upon the road's margins. Looking at my back tire, it had blown and apparently with explosive force... Trees finesse into this mediate palette, eating air - burning in my chest, nodding into the pitch of my throttled heart, and now the gray refrain in every glance in all the days hence molds to recesses in ever courted tableau, interior trance. In me now labyrinthine--not raising the stakes to convene a center, however blandished, haze-interred without. ***********Since X-tians suppose water is once transformed into wine, in a similar tho' unconscious impulse when I sneaked glugging down milk from its bottle out of Mom's refrigerator, somewhere between a sigh and a wail I'd encant "whiskey" to fawn appetite in the valley of my tongue. Laterally but now in more refined diet consciousness, soy milk (what I can drink w/o allergic symptoms) has become milk. Cultivating space: a compass of self-reconciliation: Does one divine physical success like the stone on the tongue to sate thirst? So, appetite molified. And as one experiences having just arrived doesn't body consciousness redound creaturely and vital like sight is bluey pleroma and eyes observe from solar satellites? Mountains solution incumbent singularity: you are not alone near pinnacles availing and wrought. Residing in everywhere unmet desert distances repair an ascendant prodigy... If nothing's got your back in an arabia--note Dali's subject with his hollowed-out trunk framing the vast likely Mediterranean--his cane becomes realistic device, stellar to temporal kundalini, to his pedestrian struggle at an end albeit 'pon the ocean's possibility, a void as uncommitted within as without, one stands like the specter of self-possession alighting to no where intervening.

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