RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Ways of self-annihilation, and no direction home

I always wondered what those concretized thoughts had buried underneath the institutional pages of prayer books. Like subconscious imagery had episteme dialogues, irresolute langour.
Padding an enquiring path - its semblance my mind allows for is vipassana--a visual of deep-aside that carries me thru patterns of remorseless days...just freedom transpiring. The Will is a concept whose sense in Islam, like Judaism is about the limits we place on Imagination. Musa/Moshe was a kind of philosopher in this regard. Here in Lexington, the Arboretum, taking to the proud land, sometimes has those who have embraced the outward fact all in suggestion of dancing letters--think Abraham Abulafia of Seferad, like meditation had them waiting when I emerged. My ex-sis-in-law and I out walking together, mentioned to me one time that the blank language of the Church til we've discerned it, is the exact impute any attributable term applied to Transcendence in Sanskrit and our furthering into that plateau, like construed dynamic feelings exercised just so will have that same concretized starting point. And I'd rather see it that way. In all beginnings, all things are possible. But, without getting stuck on value statements, has the human condition in a referendum of change, since the proselyte is renewed by novelty, and with no preconditions. All things are possible when you are really unable. The beginnings of things suggest emergence that brandishes awes, and awe language, that we could yet be painted by the most indescribable spectrum of values starting a trajectory into self-actualization...played out like samsara yielding/ transition manifesting.
In the Quran I use as reference, has the Arabic with the English and accompanying commentary, Nirvana is used to imagine the Absolute. Spoken of with such a nod east, that we see the value in giving up the trappings of identity because of its material ties, so as to emerge creatively as the One and Many.

A reggae artist, maybe more times than not may politically identify with Islam as one of the dearer blackman means toward redemption. Zakat in Islam, Tsedakah in Judaism: tithes giving. This corner-stone making magnificate our monotheist utility as socially so unique, has compassion manifest when dar al-harb is at bay, or another way to put it out-of-Babylon's diminution. Making what-is go-down! Thoughts, torpor... In the forms of what I prefer, like the advancing politico whose animal I don't mind. Then what I want to observe creeping in the experencial media driven world, so that it gets sent back into the nothing of irresolute, corporeal imminent fact. All goes down. Moses Go-Down; Jesus=back to your desert sojourn; Buddha to the pre Sakyamuni moment...initiation developes. Muhammed when Jibril made the Prophet's life the result of a serious requiem of change to those who'd submit to Trancendence and our responsibility to cultivate it.

My issue with some of the comments with what those who detract and indicate that we have problems with "religion" is usually because of those who practice it. Then we indicate liturgy and its failings. Well for fuck sake we can do that all day. What about what is right about it? I mean I flat don't care for the missionizing efforts of all our trads. I don't care for the Conservative trend taking such as a grip on Jewish culture. The old school Jews were Progressives. And Traditionalists like Elie Wiesel still would be considered old school. When my bro walked around the Vatican, its perimeter, he said, nuh uh, the is one Jew they ain't getting their hands on. Meaning it is huge the effects these institutions ARE DOING laying waste to human individuality, but in my view, the meditation on the Trinity is a fascinating exercise in thought... You meditate on the spirit you coalesce around the logos, of Word into Flesh. Meditate upon the INeffable, land on Essense/Spirit and its quality in our faculties. Dylan uses the lyrics about the empty sheet that now corrodes, the Fiddler or Peddlar? who walks to the road, says everything is returned that is old, & Dylan's conscience explodes as the back of the Fish truck loads. Maybe Judaism was old--and needed to be mitigated and superceded. Yet we know Dylans iconography: The ROAD--taking to IT is a mission, a meritable deed of sorts. This is not a palimpsest havoc against Jewishness to embrace Christianity. Would Dylan LEAVE anything behind? Yet he saw beauty and salvation, his freed spirit in Christian initiation. He called himself a Zionist just a few years ago in a visit to Israel too. AS ugly as this political category may get, it is also worthy of something too, when the merit of its advocacy is in the actions of spirited defense in OUR mutual arising. The moral authority--maybe in a hero of ours; Maybe being objective about thought--meaning thought can be authorial and misapprehended. But in a Cleric--yeah we all agree, hell no.

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