RAISING MY HAND toward the MARGINALIZING of CONFORMITY ...hmmm. In this dispensation the 3rd world man is the Trees and the Cosmopolitan Suit waving his plastic finger, is destined to wander the forest alone. LIGHT plateau - dark CORRIDOR; white black white black: I watched what I saw! The last TIME we gave ourselves to the moment may have been our last reFLECTion before the veil of tears reMINDed us that IT had been a Karmic death.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Conscious Maps and Travelogue's Transects

G-d doesn't roll dice, said Einstein. So, continuity is the ultimate unity because of patterns of essential language--as in describing G-d as saying, calling, separating, or creating...would be our displined minds wanting to believe somehow we are charged with the fundamental capibility of recognizing this state of suffering--having to be concommitant with this interplay of yin and yang=karma, that we have limitations from our desires and ignorance. Avalokiteshvara "laid his diamond hand" 'pon Kerouac's reality feigned brow, and he wants to do something out of the box...believing the Buddha shares the Way. 'Life is one long road with lots of signs, so when you're riding thru the ruts, don' you complicate your mind." (Bob Marley) Except for my body not yielding to bliss, one may think a shapeless mass were the goal. Still, we're talking about disipline. And if G-d would be shapeless, then beyond form is essense, and He'd be what the soft machine is when senses are propounded with the nature of Thought. That the ego is the goal of the exercise of observation, of what our senses made us aware, I merge just as emerge from the soft machine... that which contains me, but that which is No vessel. It is apophasis that I address here. Knowing Higher GRound thru negative statements, like shapelessness. We can't say G-d Exists, but that Existence is construal of Ultimate Reality. I exist--"well, God is a shapeless mass? how do you presume to put God in a box defined by human beings?" THROUGH HIS ATTRIBUTES with which we assess daily with symbols of Eternity, for instance renunciation of what LIFE portends can be death and silence, nirvanic, thus Dying a thousand deaths in a chair of awakening is assuaging Eternity!! "...clear the area of resentment out of the brain and use that space to for better things." That is called catharsis in Greek thought. All form being consciousness is what I got from Platonic writings. It also can mean that while we aspire to eternal attributes of Higher Ground, their form is captured in our Minds as representative of the psyche... So thru our awareness Form isn't merely abstract but is an Idea, which are not convenient ways to think of the world, but are Motives for entering into relationship, because it shows THEM in the best of all possible worlds. The "psyche" is the Soul according in Greek terms. All form is ekstasis. All form is consciousness!!!
All form is ekstasis. All form is consciousness. G-d is a shapeless mass and a book of rules, but these rules are what the human condition defines as we intercede on behalf of Higher Attributes to which we only barely have a glimpse. If Coleman Barks can cite Abraham Heschel in his deliberation on the soul, likewise I can acknowledge wisdom per Islamic values, because thru my Jewish lens Wholeness is understanding the Mutual Arising of the Other. I read a few words from the Qur'an in a book about Jallaluddin Rumi's father. (If we believe life is for the Living), "then we must die before we die." Look out of any window, feel your way back the day before. Just don't leave trappings of identity cluttered in your 4 cornered room...
Luxor Egypt is a place the void within sought liberation from illusion!!! It had a village life quality when I was there... It happens to be where the Temple of Luxor is--and my accomodations were the TiTi pension, and I have no doubts that it is still there. This town is right on the Nile, and across from the town proper is the Valley of Kings and Queens. We were there in December and the weather was like 80 degrees farenheit. The oblivion that would have been my look forward into a life of study or professionalism simply drifted out to sea because of the serenity and the remoteness that one could feel in Egypt, so far from the trappings of convenience and abundance here. We lived with meager coin and still preserved our comforts, having a fried egg in the morning with pita, marmalade & feta. Then maybe tamiya (falafil) on the go--or kushari, which is that lentil onion and dits of pasta mainstay in these regions. The electric hour of the red bulb we might associate with the conflicts abound (Germans were shot up at the Temple of Luxor this century) had no grasp upon our pulse and commiseration with the folks there... where we watched a wedding--and on another occasion smoked hashish with a local clerk, white collar guy in town. We stole into an empty mosque in an out of the way part of town, being sure not to touch the prayer rugs... nothing within anyways, and my heart feels bliss that I stood in a holy chamber at any rate!!
Over to my bro's and his ex, when they lived on Transylvania--I'd sift thru their teas and various Co-op goodies, have a cup of Red Zinger. The filter of my irresponsibility, perhaps a wall w/so few contours that anything I throw against it refracts from its resonance in echolalia moments...and leaves me off wondering why the academic intension transitioned so little as I translate my motive in concise bearing to my brother's professional student example. What role do you play as you act out of that box of time...the transpiring of antecedents, like language with jumping off points in a 2000yr Western context--the impetus of our education? It has to be anthropomorphic: the midnight sky that Rory Stewart lies under, in repose, during his walk across Afghanistan, is every bit the thought-scape I practice as ideas linger in mind about remote travels of mine. Though not as stark as his, but definitely as solitarian as I feel given to. Take the ecstatic sadhu in the ghettos of Mumbai, or Euro-peasantry from 100s of years--these personalities that may simplify our motive to see life as a vital thread from one human context to the next: their belief thru our symbolic nature!!! So, now we have history as a pattern. And we are the spurn of it, its proffer if you will... we graduate to the norm then we make the observation we are its product. So where IN that understanding do you see your own experience personified? The mood gets set just as certain music from those languid moments when real release from the same ole same ole is observed in the distance in terms of relationship: Think archetype. That is all about projecting into the Now, yet for a commiserate moment you could think a truckdriver HAS that road plan, divulged like he bares the horizon in his thrum past you, greater than yourself. Being part of a weaving transect of some map in your head, and the mass organism of heavy metal traffic becomes its ominous sign. Then looking into appearances of brief flurrying faces, our instinct is to personify, no doubt, the anthropomorphic model.

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